Is the Link Gets Expired Again

prepare the link you followed has expired error in WordPress

Are you facing 'the link y'all followed has expired mistake'?

'The link you followed has expired' is i of the common errors in WordPress. You might experience the error while trying to upload files of larger size. Since the mistake bulletin is quite confusing, users oftentimes can't resolve the issue on their own.

In this guide, we'll comprehend three fashion to prepare 'the link you followed has expired' error in WordPress.

What Causes 'The Link Yous Followed has Expired' Error


The fault occurs when you upload a file larger in size than the immune maximum upload size . Usually, this happens when your hosting service providers have limited the size of files that tin be uploaded from the admin console. This result can also happen when the script runs for too.

If the maximum upload size is low than the file you lot are trying to uload so yous will confront memory exhausted error and retentivity execution time exceeded error. However, if you lot are trying to upload a theme or plugin so you'll see 'the link you followed has expired error' in screen.

WordPress comes with the default file size upload that limits you from uploading the larger files. In order to meet the default file size upload limit, navigate to the Media>>Add New page. You can


Having said that, permit's get-go:

Set up 'The Link You Followed has Expired' Error

To fix the error, all you have to exercise is increase the upload limit and execution time. Allow's take a look at 3 ways to prepare 'the link you followed has expired' error in WordPress.

Note:  We recommend you to backup all your WordPress related files before making changes. This allows you to recover your website in case yous messed up.

Pace one: Edit .htaccess File Through FTP

In lodge to fix the error, yous accept to make changes in the core files of WordPress.

Edit htaccess file

  • Login to your site using FTP client.
  • Become to the root directory.
  • Navigate to the .htaccess file and open information technology.
  • Re-create-paste the post-obit lawmaking at the bottom of the file.
  • Finally, salve the changes.

php_value upload_max_filesize 128M

php_value post_max_size 128M

php_value max_execution_time 300

php_value max_input_time 300

Now, the maximum upload file size and execution time are increased.

Stride 2: Edit PHP.ini File

If you are however seeing 'the link yous follwed has expired' error in WordPress then editing php.ini file tin can fix the upshot. Yous tin find this folder in your website roots folder. If you are on shared hosting account then you might not accept it on your website'due south root folder. In such cases, you'll have to create a php.ini file and upload information technology to your site. Yous can follow the steps described below to create a php.ini file.

  • Open a text editor such notepad.
  • Copy-paste the following code.
  • Salvage information technology as php.ini file and select the file type every bit All Files.
  • At present, upload it to your website root folder through FTP.

upload_max_filesize = 128 Chiliad

post_max_size = 12

max_execution_time = 300

Cheque whether the WordPress error has been fixed or not. If the error is however not resolved effort to put the value greater than the size of your file that you want to upload. This will set up 'the link you followed has expired' error in WordPress.

Step 3:Increasing Limit on the Function.php File

Yous tin can also fix 'the link you followed has expired' error by increasing the limit on the office.php file. However, information technology has a drawback. If you lot modify your theme then it will render back to old limits. Hence, information technology is amend to do the other 2 options to solve the consequence in WordPress.


  • Go to root directory>>wp_content>>themes.
  • Open up function.php file of the theme you lot are using currently. .
  • Add together the following code to the terminate of the file.
  • Finally, save the changes you fabricated.

@ini_set( 'upload_max_size' , '120M' );

@ini_set( 'post_max_size', '120M');

@ini_set( 'max_execution_time', '300' );

That'southward it! You can successfully upload theme or plugin file in your website.


Thus, you tin hands fix 'the link you followed has expired' error in WordPress via following the steps mentioned to a higher place. I hope you observe this article helpful.

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